GetPrompted Course Review


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This is a review of a course that I took a few months back called GetPrompted.

When I took the course, I pledged that I would make a review about this course; more on this in a bit.

Getprompted is a course that teaches you how to write better prompts in AI models such as chatGPT.

The course was created by Matt Zimmerman. Matt is also the creator of Zimmwriter, a Windows-based AI writer that is very popular. Throughout the time he was developing Zimmwriter, he learned a lot about how prompting works well and doesn’t work on AI models. And in this course that he made, he’s teaching us his experience and knowledge so that we don’t make the same mistakes.

This is not a course for beginners in AI.  It won’t teach you how to start using ChatGPT as a beginner. You’re expected to have the basic know-how already.

So, if you have already been using ChatGPT for quite a while and you haven’t always been getting the desired output, then the goal of this course is to help you write better prompts to get the results that you want, or at least not to get the output that you don’t want.

In other words, you are frustrated at why ChatGPT isn’t working for you and want to learn how to overcome it.

Personally, I was copying and pasting other people’s prompts in ChatGPT, and I was not always getting the result that I wanted.

1) I thought that the copied prompts would work in all situations, including mine, and

2) I didn’t know how to modify the prompts correctly to suit my needs.

And yes, it was frustrating. 

So, what I have gotten most out of this course is that I no longer feel I need to copy other people’s prompts. Of course, I still copy some prompts that I find interesting, but I know how to change them to get AI to do what I want.

Some questions that you might have:

What’s the cost?

The course costs USD $97, but if you plan to write a review and share the course, then there’s a discount code of $20. Look for the discount code on the course’s sales page.

That is why I’m doing this review now, as promised.

Do you need the paid version of ChatGPT?

No, absolutely not. You can use the free version of ChatGPT or other AI models like Claude or Perplexity on the free tier. 

How long do you need to complete the course?

The course is broken into 15 sections, each with its own video that ranges from about a couple of minutes to a bit over 20 minutes. In total, you can finish the course in about 3 to 4 hours or shorter if you speed up the videos.

There’s no requirement that you must finish it in a day; do it in 2-3 days at your convenience. You will always get access to the videos, and you can so you can revisit them whenever you need to.

Do you need Zimmwriter to learn this course?

No. Ironically, after going through this course, I’ve been using Zimmwriter even less. For my own use cases, I can get things done faster by prompting myself in ChatGPT.  Now, that’s not to say Zimmwriter is not going to be useful after taking this course.  It’s still a fantastic tool for those who want to create and generate content in bulk, like 1,000 at a time.  I just happen to prefer to take things one at a time when writing with AI so that I can control the quality.

Who would I recommend this course to?

Everyone and anyone, to be honest. 

This is what Dr Li Fei Fei, a prominent computer scientist and AI researcher, said:

“AI won’t replace humans, but humans using AI will replace humans who don’t use AI.”

So don’t get left behind. Start learning bit by bit. AI can help in many sectors, especially those who work behind the desk.

Having said that, as I previously mentioned, this course isn’t for absolute beginners. So, use ChatGPT for a few days or weeks; then, once you know what doesn’t quite work well in prompting, that’s where this course shines. 

If you find this helpful and would like to take the course, the link to it is in the description section below.
